Morning! Monday Sept. 20, 2010

The Multi-Level marketing reps and some Network Marketers were straggling

 in on this gloomy for some and bright for others Monday depending on what their favorite NFL or MLB teams did over the weekend. The White’s (Brian and Felicia)  the soon to be Guru’s of our industry, extended their stay so that they can listen in on step number 2 of the Email Marketing lesson Coach was delivering, were made to wear the silver and green of the Eagles after the “boys” lost again. The discussion continued as Marie the always adorable blond rep for We Smell Good for You Multi-Level marketing company said, “Coach I think I have my target market set as you instructed (see Friday blog), what is next?”

            “What are you selling Marie?” asked Coach. “I mean, before you start writing or emailing you must have a clear understanding of just exactly what you are marketing.” “You can’t start thinking clearly about your target market without knowing what it is you’re really selling. Makes sense, right?” “Yet,” Coach continued, “this is where most network marketers completely fail.” “They are out there working their tails off, investing all kinds of money and time, trying to sell the wrong things to the wrong people. Once you know what you’re selling you will go through the 3 questions from Lesson 1 and get crystal clear on who you want to attract.” “I sell perfume” Marie said, “Do you really?” ask Coach, “Or maybe there is more to it, are they purchasing perfume from a rack or catalogue, or are you there to assist them?” ask Coach. “I assist and recommend,” answered Marie. “Hmmm, so maybe it is not just perfume they buy into” Coach said.

            Understand that you are marketing more than a product with email marketing or just about any beginning marketing campaign. It is still YOU that they purchase from and respond too! “Ahhhhhh I get it now, market me first, right Coach?” “Marie” Coach replied, “show your wit, your charm and your personality to people and they will respond in a way that you want!” as an example, “I received many emails from

David Wood,” ( ) said Coach, “that told me his life story about living in a van, having nothing and what his dreams were, way before even knowing what he was selling. Today, he is one the biggest marketing guru’s on the planet, because he sold himself not a product first.” The Diner began to empty with the promise of the next installment of Coach’s Email course on Tuesday. Share your comments and thoughts below or share them on Facebook or Twitter, but please share them today. Have a Great Day.

Today’s Menu Special:

“Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.”

Samuel Johnson

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Morning! Friday Sept. 17, 2010

The Diner is full on this rainy Friday with all the MLM reps following the tradition here at the Diner of wearing the colors of their favorite NFL team every Friday during the season. They were all seated at the counter except Brian and Felicia White ( who are business associates of Coach in the Numis Network and really are up and coming Rock Stars in the Network Marketing industry. They unfortunately were wearing the colors of the Cowgirls (ooppss) sorry the Cowboys, so they were forced to sit at the David Wood (  booth next to the life sized cardboard cut out of David eating bananas, nuts and tree bark. The conversation of the day was a continuance of yesterday on Email Marketing by the Coach.

            “Hey Coach,” said the extremely attractive and very vivacious Marie (the perfume rep) “you talked about keywords yesterday so I looked it up on Google and now am very interested in starting my Email campaign over, where do I start?” “Well” Coach replied, “I would start at the beginning and follow a 7 step strategy that I laid out for myself.” Coach proceeded to explain step #1. Know your target Market! What are they looking?

What do they talk about, what are they thinking about and last but not least, what are some of their problems that you can help them solve. Knowing this is the first step to attracting continuous and a never-ending flow of prospects to you, not to mention highly interested prospects as well. This can be used to attract prospects to any product you may be marketing such as silver and gold, vitamins, perfume or bananas and nuts sold by a wacky (but highly successful) Costa Rican living in the jungle who thinks he is Tarzan just to name a few. Let us look at the weight loss industry for an example as Coach continued. Your target may be “People who want to lose weight” but within that market will be small “niches” such as “Parents of overweight children.” Perhaps you find “Senior Citizens with weight problems” as a niche. Whatever your Target, getting to know them is critical to your marketing efforts!

            “Understand here Marie,” Coach said, “That within each Target lies many different reasons that prospects may have to be there. They may not be there for themselves or may be in a group separate from each other. Identify the why they are there, their needs and problems, then target your email campaign to solve those problems and BOOM, you will be the next one living in Costa Dinero swinging from trees, playing with monkeys and enjoying the good life.

            As Coach promised to discuss steps 2-7 next week the Diner erupted in a rousing rendition of  F-L-Y E-A-G-L-E-S  F-L-Y  (the Phila. Eagles fight song) as a tribute to Coach, each leaving with a basic foundation of Email Marketing. Share your thoughts and Love below by leaving your comments, we are always glad to hear from you. Have A Great Weekend!

Today’s Menu Special:

“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”
Mark Twain     

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Morning! Thurs. Sept. 16, 2010

               The MLM Diner was buzzing with chatter concerning email marketing on this bright sunny Thursday morning. All the Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing reps were enjoying their breakfast as the stunning Marie, our perfume rep, was saying that she is not sure her leads are receiving her emails. “I know some of the 5000 I mail to receive my mail because I do hear back from them, but, I’ am not sure some do.”

            “Maybe your mail is going to Spam,” added Ryan (the local vitamin guy). We all know that dreaded word “SPAM” the equivalent to snail mails junk. “It is part of life these days,” replied Lindsey the cosmetic rep, “like death and taxes every one will receive it sometime.” “Yeah receiving it is one thing, but, how to send without it going to Spam is tricky,” said Coach the owner of this fine establishment and a Leader in a SILVER AND GOLD business. Enzo (the local I jump ship into each new launch rep) after finishing a plate of scrambled eggs and toast said, “Marie, maybe you should change your content in the email and see if that helps.” Coach replied, “No Enzo the content is probably excellent knowing lovely Marie, it is the subject line that effects where an email ends up.” Enzo, not one of the sharpest tools in the shed kind of guys and now with a puzzled look shot back “you’re kidding right?” “Not at all” said Coach.

            Coach then stepped up on his soapbox (an old saying for all you young guns reading this, meaning he started preaching) and put down his apron as he did a small training session on Email Marketing. This form of marketing is an art he started with, to which learning this art takes time to master. We are discussing email going to Spam so learning how not to send your mail to Spam starts with key words. The words you put in the subject line determine the placement of your mail at the receiving end.  Go to Google and type in “trigger spam keywords” and start studying the words you see. The list is long, very long, and seems to cover every word you have been using. Thru time and trial and error, you may be successful in sending mail that avoids the dreaded Spam box! Email Marketing is not as easy as it looks and should be treated as a learning process.

            “Thanks Coach” said Marie, “I have six napkins of notes and my learning process starts when I get home on my computer!” “Can I borrow those notes a minute please Marie,” asked Lindsey, as she grab her napkins to jot down the notes. The Diner emptied as each rep paid their checks and thanked Coach for the Tip on Emailing by leaving extra tips of their own. Share your comments and feedbacks below, we love to hear from you! As always, have a great day and the Diner will re-open at 5:00 am on tomorrow.

 Today’s Menu Special:

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
Albert Einstein

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Morning! Tuesday Sept. 14,2010

      Good Morning from Coach’s MLM Talk Diner where the people are cool and the food is greasy but oh so good! Baseball has been the conversation this morning since many of the races are close and riveting. The Phillies and the Braves battling it out for the East and San Diego the Giants and Rockies all close in the West. The Yankees fall behind Tampa Bay in the American league east. One of the semi regulars to the Diner is Duncan Imperial whose parents had a fascination with yo-yo’s when they were younger, so with a last name of Imperial they had to name their little boy Duncan, was in the house. Sitting with many of the regulars, the conversation turned to how Duncan was so successful in his MLM business.

Duncan who is always willing to talk and share his experience said, “the key for me is talking with people”, he continued by adding, “I know a lot of people.” Duncan is a rep for the “You Talk, We listen In” high tech MLM phone company and proceeded to say, “when I sign a new person, I help them set up the phone with downloading their contacts and I jot down all the names and numbers so now I have new contacts, or more people to talk with!” Lindsey (our cosmetic rep) asked, “is that legal?” to which Duncan said yes it is. Coach,  who hears it all at the Diner and has been accused of having “Rabbit Ears” at times jumps in by saying, “so Yo-Yo man it is not what you know but who you know, is that what you’re saying?” “Coach” Duncan replied, “I know my business and products like the back of my hand, but, I realized a long time ago that if I didn’t talk with people then what I know means nothing.” He continued by saying, “this is a people industry we are all in, without talking with people we will struggle.” Allan  (the soap rep) who is as “Old School” as they come said, “I have been telling these young guns as they like to be called, that all the high tech stuff is ok, but, you need to have home parties and meetings to make it in this business.” Duncan disagreed by adding, “Allan, you old fart, don’t you see yet that it is about people and how you get or talk with those people does not matter!”

Coach summed up the conversation by saying, “It is not what you know but who you know or how many you get to know, is that right Duncan?” “Exactly Coach, I’d talk to a tree if I thought it would answer me.”  A people business is what MLM or Network Marketing is all about, as evident that all the reps in the Diner were now sitting in the booths introducing themselves to other people in the Diner. Share your thoughts and comments below, as we here at the Diner would love to know them. Go out and start to talk with people or talk with them on the internet, but start talking! Have a great day!

Today’s Menu Special:

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”

Ronald E. Osborn

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Morning! Monday Sept. 13, 2010

       Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing should take a lesson from the military as to their chain of command, this and other topics were the discussions of the day here at Coach’s MLM Talk Diner. All the regulars are here on this Monday morning intently listening to Coach’s view on the subject of chain of command.

In the military, a strict chain is formed as to how things get accomphlished. Starting with the top with the Admirals or Generals who instruct the Captains who in turn instruct the Lieutenants. The Lieutentnants are in charge of most work parties in the military with a Chief or Sergeant below them they form work parties to have the orders of (the “BRASS” as they are called) accomphlished. The bottom of the ladder comes in the form of the every day sailor or privates who follow what the Chiefs or Sergeants tell them to do. Get the idea? This also works when the low people have a problem or issue or is just struggling; they would go to the Chiefs or Sergeants. If they do not have an answer to that problem then they would go to the Lieutenants. This goes up the Chain of Command until the problem is resolved. Understand, the Admirals or Generals are way to busy and have way too many in his or her command to answer or handle every problem. Therefore, the Chain of Command has been in effect and successful in the military for centuries.

What happens in Multi-Level or Network Marketing when it comes to Chain of Command? The new rep signs up and goes under the person who signed him or her, which establishes the chain. Then that person signs someone and they are assigned to him or her. This goes on and on, each person having a Leader above them to contact in case of problems. However, what happens to the person who signs up under the General or Team Leader himself? This leader becomes so big and has so many “Privates” under him that the privates get lost because the leader cannot respond to every one of them. Who does the private turn too? Yes, there are training videos and scripts they can view or they might try other privates, however, they probably have the same issues. Time for a Chain of Command! The Big time Leader sets up Captains or just Chiefs or Sergeants so that the Privates in their organizations are not lost. These privates need help when a problem occurs not 5 or 6 days down the road. See my point? With that said, not every little issue should go out to the Chiefs as a private should learn to handle them on his or her own. Too many of the privates are lost in Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing because the questions go unanswered and frustration sets in.

All large organizations such as the Military or Big Business or Sports Conglomerates have a Chain of Command in place. It is time for Network Marketing or the MLM’S of the world to see the light! Share or leave your comments below on the subject as we would love to hear your thoughts. Have a great and prosperous day!

 Todays Menu Special:

“Take care of each man as though he were your own brother. He is.”

SMA William O. Wooldridge

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